How To Provide Calcium To Turtles? [8 Sources]

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

You are feeding your turtles calcium-enriched foods. But it still has a soft and discolored shell. Why? My strong guess is your turtle can not absorb sufficient calcium from its diet, or you do not know how to feed the turtle calcium. Do not worry. I am here to help.

How to provide calcium to turtles:

  • Roll calcium powder in the food
  • Place calcium release blocks in water
  • Break cuttlebone in the size of pellets and feed the turtle
  • Calcium enriched food and UV bulb

Do you know insufficient calcium can lead the turtle towards permanent health damage? Yes, your turtle might suffer from MBD or other severe diseases. Allow me to describe the easiest way to save your turtle from calcium deficiency.

How To Provide Calcium To Turtles?

Maintaining your turtle’s health is crucial, and you’re likely feeding them a diet that includes green veggies, feeder fish, and other nutritious foods. However, sometimes turtles don’t get enough calcium from their diet alone, which is why experts recommend supplementing with additional calcium. But how can you get your turtle to consume it when they don’t seem to like it?

Here’s a breakdown of how you can provide calcium to your turtles effectively:

Calcium Supplement Techniques

Calcium Powder

  • Place your turtle’s food in a plastic bag.
  • Add a few drops of water to make the food slightly moist.
  • Sprinkle in calcium powder.
  • Shake the bag to evenly coat the food with calcium.
  • The turtle will eat the calcium-coated food without noticing.


  • Break the cuttlebones into smaller pieces.
  • Moisten the chunks with liquid from a fish can or plain water.
  • The scent from the fish liquid will attract the turtle, making them more likely to nibble on the cuttlebones.

Calcium Release Blocks

  • These blocks gradually dissolve in the water, releasing calcium.
  • They help promote healthy shell and bone growth in your turtle.

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Calcium-Rich Diet

  • Feeder fishes
  • Shrimps
  • Insects

Although these foods are rich in calcium, they might not meet all your turtle’s calcium needs. It’s essential to include them in their diet and consider supplementing as needed. Chop them into small pieces to make them easier for your turtle to eat.

UV Light

UVB rays don’t directly provide calcium, but they play a vital role in calcium absorption by helping the turtle’s body produce vitamin D3.

By following these methods, you can ensure your turtle gets the necessary calcium to stay healthy and strong.

Good Source Of Calcium For Turtles

Ensuring your turtle gets enough calcium is essential for their health. Here are some safe and effective calcium sources:

  • Freshwater Feeder Fish
  • Shrimp, Crayfish, and Krill
  • Worms, Insects, and Invertebrates
  • Green Leafy Vegetables

Supplement Sources

  • UV Rays (Helps with calcium absorption through vitamin D3 production)
  • Calcium Powder
  • Cuttlebones
  • Calcium Release Blocks

While a balanced diet covers most nutritional needs, it may not provide enough calcium. Turtles often require both natural sources and supplements to avoid calcium deficiency.

You don’t need to stress about finding the perfect natural calcium sources. Combining natural foods with supplements ensures your turtle stays healthy.

In the next section, I will share how I provide calcium to my turtles and discuss other potential calcium sources.

1. Freshwater Feeder Fish

Feeding your aquatic turtles the right kind of feeder fish can significantly boost their calcium intake. Here are my favorite choices:

Recommended Feeder Fishes

  • Guppies
  • Platies
  • Shrimp
  • Killifish
  • Bluegill
  • Crappies
  • Mosquitofish
  • Medaka
  • Bass

Why These Fishes?

  • Natural Diet: These fish live in outdoor ponds where they feed on insects and invertebrates, both rich in calcium.
  • Prepared Meals: In addition to their natural diet, they receive a prepared meal daily, which contributes to their superior nutritional profile.

Collection and Feeding Tips

  • Local Market and Fishing: I rely on the local market and my fishing skills to collect these feeder fish for my turtles. Dace and sunfish are also favorites of turtles, though they may not be suitable for aquarium life. However, catching them with a fishing hook using minnows as bait is easy if you’re confident in your fishing abilities.
  • Store-Bought Options: Fresh store-bought fish are also a good option. For larger turtles like snapping turtles, consider white perch, tilapia, or trout.

Feeding Routine

  • Once a Week: I recommend feeding your turtle fish once a week. This routine helps ensure they get the nutrients they need without overfeeding.
  • Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to health issues, so stick to the once-a-week schedule.

Fish Species to Avoid

  • Feathered or Red Rosy Minnows
  • Goldfish
  • Pre-Killed Pinkies

These species are not suitable for your turtles, so it’s best to avoid them.

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2. Shrimp, Crayfish, And krill

While crayfish and shrimp share similar nutritional values, they have their differences. However, today’s focus is on how both can benefit your turtle’s diet.

Why Feed Crayfish, Shrimp, and Other Crustaceans?

  • Rich in Calcium: Crayfish, shrimp, krill, and other crustaceans are excellent sources of calcium, making them a great addition to your turtle’s diet.
  • Balanced Diet: Experts recommend including these items in your turtle’s meals to help balance their diet.

Intact or Shelled?

  • Feed Them Intact: It’s best to feed your turtles these items with their shells intact. The shells or skeletons of shrimp, crayfish, and krill are rich in calcium, so you don’t want to waste these valuable minerals.

Where to Get Them

  • Available in Markets: You can find shrimp, krill, and crayfish in most markets.
  • Ready-Made Options: Pet stores often sell these items ready to feed. If you prefer, you can also clean them yourself.
  • Live Feeding: Some owners provide live shrimp or crayfish, allowing turtles to hunt. This not only boosts their appetite but also adds excitement to their routine.
  • Frozen Alternatives: Shrimp and krill are also available in frozen form. Trustworthy brands maintain their nutritional value, so these can be a convenient option.

Feeding Frequency

  • Moderation is Key: While these crustaceans are calcium-rich, feeding them to your turtle every day is not advisable. Moderation ensures your turtle gets a balanced diet without overdoing it on any one nutrient.

3. Worms, Insects, And Invertebrate

Worms, insects, and intervertebral are good protein sources for turtles. Roaches and crickets are popular choices for such purposes.

Of course, these worms or insects are all around us. But I suggest you buy live worms from a store or dried ones.

In the case of snails, you should avoid feeding your turtles the wild-caught ones.

Many experts feed their turtles earthworms, and it is rich in calcium. However, I personally am not a fan of earthworms. They contain high fat, which might harm the turtle. Avoid overfeeding your turtle worms and insects.

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4. Green Leafy Vegetables

Turtles in the wild do not get calcium supplements. Right? How do they manage to balance their nutritional profile?

The wild turtles have access to abundant green vegetables and an open-source of animal protein. So, why would they suffer from mineral deficiency?

Many of us only focus on the fish, snails, or insects and completely forget that the green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of calcium. Hence, experts advise including green veggies, especially kale, in the turtle’s everyday diet.

Are all those green leafy vegetables safe for the turtles? Of course, not.

Stuffing the meal with chard, collard green, spinach, cabbage, etc., might backfire in the long run. So, know the safe limit and feed your turtle an optimal amount of vegetables every day.

5. Powder Calcium

Powder calcium supplements are a popular choice among turtle breeders, but there’s a common mistake many make: sprinkling the supplement directly onto the meal.

Why Sprinkling Doesn’t Work in Water

If you sprinkle calcium powder on food and then feed your turtle in water, the powder will dissolve almost immediately. This means your turtle won’t get the necessary calcium, no matter how regularly you try to supplement their diet.

The Correct Way to Apply Calcium Powder

  • Step 1: Bag the Meal: Place your turtle’s meal in a plastic bag.
  • Step 2: Moisten the Food: Add a few drops of water to make the food slightly moist.
  • Step 3: Add Calcium Powder: Add a spoonful of calcium powder into the bag.
  • Step 4: Shake Well: Shake the bag thoroughly to ensure the calcium powder sticks to the food.

This method ensures the calcium powder adheres to the food, making it effective when feeding your turtle.

Additional Tips

  • Dry the Foods: Experts suggest drying the food before feeding it to your turtles. This step helps prevent the calcium from dissolving in water.
  • Moderation: Avoid overloading your turtle’s diet with calcium. Supplementing once a week is sufficient to meet their needs without overdoing it.

N.B. Spare a minute and go through the label of the calcium supplement before buying it. The product should be free of phosphorus.

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6. Calcium Cuttlebones

Cuttlebone is a popular and effective way to provide turtles with the calcium they need. While it’s commonly used by bird owners, it works just as well for turtles.

What is Cuttlebone?

  • Appearance: Cuttlebones have a white, chalky shell that is packed with calcium.
  • Size: The bone is too large for your turtle to swallow whole, so it needs to be prepared in a way that’s easier for your pet to consume.

How to Prepare Cuttlebone for Turtles

Scraping and Breaking:

  • Scrape off the hard, outer shell.
  • Break the cuttlebone into small, pellet-sized pieces.

Whole Cuttlebone:

  • You can also simply throw the whole cuttlebone into the water.
  • Your turtle can nibble and peck at the cuttlebone whenever it wants.

Simple Preparation Process

One-Step Process:

  • Just place the cuttlebone into your turtle’s water habitat.
  • The cuttlebone will soften in the water, allowing your turtle to bite into it at will.


  • A single piece of cuttlebone usually lasts for about a week or two.

Pros and Cons of Cuttlebone


  • Cost-Effective: Cuttlebones are inexpensive.
  • High in Calcium: They are an excellent calcium source for turtles.


  • Taste: Some turtles may not enjoy the taste of cuttlebone and might refuse to nibble on it.

I recommend trying cuttlebones with your turtles. If they don’t take to it, you can easily switch to another calcium source.

7. Calcium Release Blocks

Calcium release blocks serve two purposes,

  1. They provide calcium to your turtles.
  2. These products help in conditioning your cloudy tank. (Here is how)

So, why won’t you use calcium blocks? They are cheap, available, and all you need is to stick them in the water. The turtles will chew on them from time to time. Unlike cuttlebones, the turtles do not hate the calcium release blocks.

8. UV Rays

UV rays don’t directly provide calcium to turtles but play a crucial role in helping them absorb it. Here’s how it works:

The Connection Between UV Rays and Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 and Calcium: Turtles need vitamin D3 to absorb calcium from their diet effectively. While some vitamin D can come from food, it’s usually not enough.

  • UVA and UVB Rays: Sunlight contains UVA and UVB rays.
  • UVB’s Role: UVB rays are particularly important because they help turtles produce vitamin D3, which in turn allows them to utilize calcium from their food.

Importance of Basking Under UV Light

  • Outdoor Turtles: In the wild and outdoor ponds, turtles naturally bask in the sun, which provides them with necessary UV exposure.
  • Indoor Turtles: For turtles in indoor enclosures, artificial UV sources are essential. These artificial lights can effectively replace natural sunlight when chosen and installed correctly.

Choosing the Right UV Lamp

  • 2.5% to 5% UV Lamps: These are ideal for aquatic turtles. Ensure the lamp is installed at the correct distance:
  • 2.5% UV Lamp: Maintain a 12-inch distance from the basking dock.
  • 5% UV Lamp: Maintain an 18-inch distance from the basking dock.
  • 10% UV Lamps: Designed for desert turtles and tortoises but can be used temporarily for aquatic turtles if set up farther from the dock.

Finding the Best UV Lamp

  • Quality Matters: Choosing a good quality UV lamp is key. Poor-quality lamps may not provide the necessary UVB rays, affecting your turtle’s ability to produce vitamin D3 and absorb calcium.
  • Recommendations: If you’re unsure which lamp to choose, I’ve done extensive research and personal testing to identify the best lighting solutions for turtles. You can check out the recommended list to find the right UV lamp for your needs.

By ensuring your turtles have access to the right UV light, you can support their overall health and calcium absorption, keeping them strong and healthy.

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Why Do Turtles Need Calcium?

Yes, turtles absolutely need calcium. It’s one of the most vital minerals that contribute to their healthy growth and overall well-being.

Why Do Turtles Need Calcium?

Growth and development are the primary reasons turtles need calcium. When turtle hatchlings are born, they have soft shells and fragile body structures.

As they grow, they develop solid bones and tough shells, which are essential for their survival. Calcium is the key mineral that supports this transformation.

Role of Calcium in Turtles’ Health

Calcium plays a crucial role in several aspects of a turtle’s health. It is essential for the development of strong bones and a durable shell. Additionally, calcium supports the turtle’s immune system and aids in the proper functioning of their nervous system.

Consequences of Calcium Deficiency

A lack of calcium can lead to serious health problems, including:

  • Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD): A condition where bones become weak and deformed.
  • Beak or Shell Overgrowth: Abnormal growth due to poor bone health.
  • Paralysis: In severe cases, a deficiency can lead to paralysis.

Ensuring your turtle gets enough calcium is crucial to their health, helping them grow strong and avoid serious diseases.

Turtle Calcium Deficiency

Failing to provide your turtles with enough calcium can lead to serious health issues. Calcium deficiency in turtles often results in soft shells, stunted growth, metabolic bone diseases, paralysis, and other severe conditions.

The Risk of Calcium Deficiency

It’s surprising, but most turtles are at risk of being calcium deficient. Many turtle owners, especially beginners, believe that a standard diet is sufficient to meet all of their turtle’s mineral needs. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.

While turtles do obtain calcium and other minerals from their food, it’s often not enough, particularly in captivity.

There’s also a common misconception that installing UV lamps eliminates the need for calcium supplements.

Let me clarify: even with a high-quality UV lamp, you must still supplement your turtle’s diet with calcium. Without these supplements, your turtles can suffer from calcium deficiency, leading to metabolic bone disease (MBD).

Symptoms of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

Metabolic bone disease caused by calcium deficiency can manifest in various symptoms:

  • Lethargy
  • Abnormal swimming patterns
  • Limp walking
  • Refusal to eat
  • Weight loss
  • Abnormal shell or bone growth, such as pyramiding
  • Soft spots on the shell
  • Swollen legs
  • Lumps in the head
  • Deformed jaws or beak
  • Bumps on the leg bones, tail, or spine

Consequences of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency can lead to numerous other health problems. For instance, prolonged calcium deficiency may result in lumpy legs, eventually causing paralysis, leaving the turtle unable to walk.

Another serious condition associated with calcium deficiency is anorexia. When turtles lack calcium, their muscles, including those in the gut, may not contract properly, slowing down the digestive process. This leads to a loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakened immunity.

Gravid (pregnant) turtles are particularly vulnerable to calcium deficiency. Without sufficient calcium, they may experience egg binding, a painful condition where the mother turtle cannot lay her eggs. This can lead to critical health issues, and in severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the eggs.

Even hatchlings need adequate calcium for healthy development. A lack of calcium can lead to improper shell growth, resulting in uneven scutes. In extreme cases, calcium deficiency in hatchlings can cause even more severe health problems as they grow.

Ensuring your turtles receive enough calcium through diet and supplements is vital for their health and well-being, preventing these painful and life-threatening conditions.

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How To Use Turtle Calcium Block?

The commercial calcium blocks are easy to use. Open the wrap, release the chunk in the water, and wait for the turtles to eat. However, homemade calcium sources disintegrate in water. So, you have to feed them in the dry area.

Actually, commercial calcium release blocks are of multiple-use. You can treat your cloudy turtle tank water with the same product as it works as a conditioner.

Unlike cuttlebones, turtles love these calcium-release blocks. You can feed them to your pets in both dry and land areas. These blocks do not dissolve in water fast, which is definitely benefits the owners. But, drying or reusing the wet calcium can be a hassle.

So, commercial calcium blocks seem a better idea. Right? Most of the time, yes. However, you might notice disturbing elements on the label, and you do not want to expose your turtles to the chemicals. In that case, DIY calcium blocks come in handy.

The only downside of homemade calcium blocks is they dissolve in water. So, you have to feed your turtles these on the dry dock.

How to make calcium blocks for turtles at home? Read on to the next subsection for the detailed tutorial.

How To Make Calcium Blocks For Turtles?

You can make calcium blocks for turtles with these simple steps:

  • Mix calcium carbonate and water and convert them into a paste
  • Pour the paste into a mold
  • Bake the mold at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 hours
  • Cool down the dry paste for 24 hours, and your calcium block is ready

Preparing calcium blocks is not rocket science, and anyone can make these. I always try DIYing calcium blocks for my turtles and tortoises whenever I get free hours.

I have researched many tutorials and asked experts about the right recipe for calcium blocks. Surprisingly, there is no universal way for preparing these sources. Each turtle hobbyist has a specific way and preference in producing the blocks from scratch.

Here is the technique I follow while preparing calcium blocks for my turtles,

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1. Gathering The Supplies:

Preparing calcium blocks requires 1 main ingredient and 3 to 4 additional equipment at best. Here is the list,

  • Calcium source
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • Thermal resistant mold
  • Oven

Are you confused about the calcium source? Don’t be. Go through the next point before making any purchase.

2. Choose The Calcium Source:

You can not just use any calcium source to prepare these blocks. Food-grade calcium is the perfect fit for this recipe. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone flour should be your top priority.

Limestone flour is expensive. If you are looking for a cheaper option, settle for agricultural lime or soil amendment. I find this product safe and totally on budget.

The agricultural limes are manufactured by pulverizing the chalk. So they contain no harmful elements.

But of course, if you have some other source on your mind, give it a try. But make sure the product contains no toxic ingredients.

3. Mix & Mix:

In a tutorial, the instructor shaped the cuttlebones using an adhesive. I am not taking that road, and instead, we will use plain water to make a slurry of calcium carbonate.

Generally, 1.5 cups of water and 7 cups of CaCO3 powder create the perfect mix.

I am sure you have your own way of mixing things up, but here is how I get the best result,

  • Take the powder in a bowl. Break down any chunk of chalk you find.
  • Slowly pour warm water.
  • Stir! Stir! & Stir!
  • Soon, the powdery calcium will settle down and convert into a thick paste.

Here is a warning. Do not challenge yourself with a fragile spoon or spatula. You would require a sturdy spoon that cuts through the rocky paste.

4. It’s Muffin Time:

Next, you pour the paste into the mold. Before baking the mixture, make sure you have a perfect mix. Liquid on the top or powder pockets at the bottom degrade the calcium block quality.

What will you do if you have got excess slurry on hand? Damp it in the drain? NOOOO! It will clog up the pipe and mess with your disposal system.

Instead, dump the extras on your garden or lawn. Win-Win!

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5. Bake The Cake:

Place the mold inside the oven. Then set the temperature to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and time for 1 hour. All you have to do now is to wait.

After 1 hour, pull out the oven rack and check on the calcium paste. You might notice slurry on the top of the blocks, which means you are not there yet.

Place the rack inside the oven and set the timer for 2 to 3 hours. I suggest you keep an eye on the batch and do quality checks every hour.

Many owners check the moisture status using paper. If the piece shows any trace of absorption, the baking is incomplete.

There is an advantage in this testing process. You are removing moisture out of the slurry paste via the paper, no matter how insignificant the amount is.

Your calcium blocks will be ready after 4 hours, completely dry, and shaped into cupcakes.

Are those calcium blocks ready? Not yet.

Remove the cupcakes from the mold carefully. Wear hand gloves if you do not want to burn your fingers. Then leave the blocks to cool down for 24 hours.

The next day, you will have calcium blocks ready for your turtles. Pat your back as you have successfully pulled off this project.

You can always buy ready-made calcium blocks if you do not want all these hassles. But DIYing is fun and a money saver at the same time. So, why not give it a try?

How To Prepare Cuttlebone For Turtles?

Preparing cuttlebone for your turtles is a simple process, but there are a few steps to ensure it’s safe and effective for their calcium intake.

What is Cuttlebone?

Cuttlebone comes from the cuttlefish, specifically the species Sepia officinalis. While primarily used as a calcium-rich snack for birds, cuttlebone is also a safe and effective calcium source for turtles.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Cuttlebone

  1. Remove the Hard Shell:
    • Cuttlebones have a hard, discolored shell on the back that can be rough and potentially harmful to turtles.
    • Use a knife to scrape off this hard shell until you reach the chalky white part underneath. Although it may seem wasteful, removing this layer ensures your turtle can safely consume the bone.
  2. Break Into Pieces:
    • Once the hard shell is removed, break the cuttlebone into smaller, pellet-sized pieces.
    • These smaller pieces can be directly fed to your turtle, making it easier for them to eat.
    • Alternatively, you can toss the entire cuttlebone into the water, and your turtle will nibble at it whenever they want.
  3. Place in Water:
    • Cuttlebones do not dissolve in water quickly, so you can leave them in your turtle’s tank without worry.
    • A single piece typically lasts for a week or two, providing a steady source of calcium.

Things to Consider

  • Cost and Availability: Cuttlebones are inexpensive and readily available. However, it’s best not to buy them in bulk until you know your turtle likes them.
  • Turtle Preference: While some turtles enjoy eating cuttlebones, others may not like the taste. If your turtle rejects the cuttlebone, it’s advisable to switch to another calcium source.
  • Quality Check: When purchasing cuttlebones, check for any unusual colors or odors, as these could indicate that the bone is not fresh or safe for your turtle.

By following these steps, you can easily prepare cuttlebone as a safe and effective calcium source for your turtles.

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How Much Calcium Do Your Turtles Need?

Calcium deficiency is horrible. You do not want your adorable pet turtle to go through this suffering. Hence, you should know how much calcium your turtles really require.

A recent study published in the Journal Of Zoo Animal Medicine has shed light on this topic. The researchers observed 24 turtles under this study of calcium requirements of red eared sliders.

The team fed each turtle a different amount of calcium every day and tracked their health progress.

The researchers recommended that 2% of the calcium in the diet keeps the turtles healthy and fit.

It is hard to measure 2% of calcium. Right? The best you can do is feed calcium supplements besides providing the turtles with a balanced diet.

Too Much Calcium For Turtles

What if you are feeding your turtles excess calcium unintentionally. What happens then? Apparently, experts claim that you can not overdose your turtles with calcium. Hence, it barely harms the turtle.

Excess calcium in a human diet is definitely a red flag. It leads to unpleasant health conditions like kidney stones. For a long time, experts assumed the situations were the same for the turtles. But no.

Scientists surprisingly notice that the lack of calcium might lead to kidney stones. However, the research is still in progress.

Recent studies show that turtles can not overeat calcium. These pets ingest the mineral as per their need. Hence, there is no risk of calcium overfeeding.

How Do Turtles Get Calcium In The Wild?

The wild turtles do not get calcium supplements. But look, they are totally healthy and rarely suffer from calcium deficiency. How is that even possible?

Turtles have an abundant source of food in the wild. They can have natural growing vegetables and plant leaves. At the same time, they get to prey on insects, worms, and slow-moving fishes.

The plants grown on the calcium-rich solid provide enough nutrients to the turtles. Again, the snails, feeder fishes, and bones are also excellent sources of calcium for these reptiles.

Wild turtles have another source of calcium. Can you guess? Yes, the sun.

The sun is the natural source of UV rays which indirectly help the turtles absorb calcium. All I am saying is the turtles get all the minerals they require naturally in the wild. Hence, they do not suffer from mineral deficiency.

Turtle owners often misinterpret this cycle. They think the captive turtles can live on the diet only like the wild ones. But the opposite is the case.

Do not rely only on the meals alone to fulfill the calcium requirement of your turtles. Supplementing the diet is a must. Otherwise, your turtles will suffer from calcium deficiency.

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Best Calcium Supplements For Turtles

Different brands are introducing their calcium supplements in the market. You can make a choice after going through the ingredient label. I suggest buying a renowned brand or generally asking your vet.

Here is a list of calcium supplements I recommend,

●       Rep-Cal SRP00200 Phosphorous-Free Calcium Ultrafine Powder Reptile/Amphibian Supplement with Vitamin D3

●       TetraFauna ReptoGuard Turtle Health Conditioner 3 Count, Slow-Release

●       Zoo Med Reptile Calcium with Vitamin D3, 8-Ounce

N.B. I haven’t used all these supplements by myself. I have asked around my turtle keeper friends and experts and pulled off the list. You do not have to trust me blindly. You can talk to professionals, do research and then buy the calcium supplement for your turtles.

You can prepare calcium supplements at home too. The main ingredient, in that case, is calcium carbonate or limestone. Remember, calcium hydroxide is not what you want to feed your turtles.

Again, while shopping for calcium supplements, you should buy products that include the following compounds,

  • Bone meal
  • Oyster shell
  • Calcium lactate
  • Calcium gluconate
  • Calcium nitrate malate
  • Dicalcium phosphate
  • Tricalcium phosphate

The above ingredients are beneficial and enrich the supplement quality. On the other hand, you should look for the following elements,

  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Aluminum
  • Cadmium
  • Arsenic, etc.

Bone Meal Supplements As A Calcium Source

I am sure you have heard of bone meals, which are indeed excellent sources of calcium. Yet, I do not recommend them because of their phosphorus level.

Turtles might not absorb the required calcium because of the high phosphorus. It will do no good to your turtles and lead to calcium deficiency.

Eggshells As A Calcium Source

You might not know, but eggshells are reliable and excellent sources of calcium for turtles. In fact, eggshells include many more beneficial nutrients the pets require, not only in calcium.

Many owners feed their pets eggshells as an alternative to supplements.

However, eggshells have a downslope too.

Experts suggest that eggshells might carry antidote traces, which might be responsible for Salmonella in turtles.

On the contrary, another group claims that the eggshells are safe as long as you feed the turtles boiled shells.

Hence, I strongly suggest you talk to your vet first before switching to eggshells.

Are Calcium Blocks Safe For The Turtle?

Calcium release blocks work as a conditioner and a source of calcium for the turtles. I know it sounds a great deal, but let me warn you. Too much calcium block is not healthy for the turtles.

Calcium release blocks contain heavy chemicals and plaster of Paris. Feasting on the chemicals might make your pets sick.

Are Feeder Fishes Safe For Turtles?

Why would the fish be unhealthy? They are excellent sources of calcium for turtles. Right?

Of course, you have a point. But experts suggest that feeding excessive amounts of feeder fish can be fatal to the turtles. How? There are things that make this source unhealthy. Such as,

  • Feeder fishes contain high levels of fat. Consumption of excessive fat affects the nutrition absorption of the turtles. Hence, the pets suffer from mineral deficiency. Not only that, overeating feeder fish might lead to kidney stones or failure.
  • Feeder fishes also cause thiamine deficiency in turtles. You might know that thiamine or vitamin B1 and B2 regulate turtle metabolism. If the turtle is vitamin B deprived, it will exhibit lethargy and fall victim to many diseases. The sick turtle has a life risk if the condition affects its appetite and overall metabolism.

So, which feeder fishes are unhealthy? I would say overfeeding any fish species is not recommended. But here are the red flags,

  • Goldfish
  • Minnows
  • Gizzard shad
  • Bullhead and channel catfish, etc.

What Other Minerals Do Turtles Require?

Calcium plays a significant role in the shell and bone development of turtles. There is no doubt about that. But it alone can not bear all the responsibilities.

There are some other minerals that contribute to the healthy shell and bone growth of turtles. Those minerals are,

  • Magnesium: Experts claim that magnesium aids in calcium absorption and the same time, in regulating hormones. Turtles get enough magnesium from the diet. Hence, they require no supplements for this.
  • Phosphorus: I know excess phosphorus is harmful to turtles. Yet, a minimum amount of this mineral should always be present in the turtle diet. It has an influence on shell growth.
  • Others: Turtles might require some other minerals at a minimum level. Such nutrients are zinc, manganese, boron, etc. Your pets can absorb these minerals from the food, and there is no need for a supplement.

Do you know which vitamin contributes the most to calcium absorption? Yes, vitamin D3.

The food calcium goes in vain without sufficient vitamin D3. Turtles get this vitamin from food, and also the UV rays activate the production of vitamin D3 in their bodies.

Some owners offer vitamin supplements to their turtles. However, food and UV light should be enough to fulfill the vitamin D3 requirements of these creatures.

What Happens If A Tortoise Doesn’t Get Calcium?

Calcium deficiency causes shell deformation and soft bones in tortoises. The sick tortoises find trouble walking and living up to a usual routine. These are the symptoms of metabolic bone diseases, which might lead to permanent health damage.

Like all other reptiles and their close brothers, tortoises require calcium for healthy growth.

What happens if they do not get enough calcium?

The tortoise grows in size but not in shell, or the scutes get deformed and take an abnormal shape. Eventually, the calcium-deprived tortoise ends up having bumpy, discolored scutes, or its body does not fit in the shell.

Wait, this is not the end of it.

Calcium deficiency affects the bone growth of the tortoises. So, the reptiles might have soft legs, which troubles their walking.

Swollen eggs, bumpy shells, deformed jaws, anorexia, lumps on the spine or tail, pyramiding, paralysis, etc., are the signs of metabolic bone diseases among tortoises. Tortoises suffer from unbearable pain, and moreover, the condition becomes life-threatening if untreated.


You can provide calcium to your turtles through food, supplements, and UV lamps. Turtles often reject the supplements because of their taste.

Hence, you might have to trick the pet by mixing the mineral with food or go with another way. Remember, turtles suffer a lot due to the lack of calcium.

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.