Turtle Drawing & Coloring Guide For kids [Step by Step]

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

I’ve shown you how to draw turtles easily with a few simple steps! If you’ve missed that guide, click here to check it out!

In this guide, I’ll show you how to color the turtles we’ve drawn earlier!

Excited? Me too!

Let’s get started!

Method 1: Green, Brown, Black & Orange Color Turtle

Want to know how to draw this turtle? Follow our easy steps here!

Let’s grab our markers and dive into the colorful world of turtle illustration! We’ll transform a simple sketch into a vibrant masterpiece with just four markers—black, brown, green, and orange.

Get ready to unleash your creativity and bring this adorable turtle to life in a few easy steps.

Step 1

Use the green marker to color the turtle’s head, tail, and flippers, leaving the eyes white for a lively touch.

Step 2

Fill in the inner circle of the shell with the brown marker, adding depth to its design.

Step 3

Trace the outer lining of the shell with the orange marker to highlight its intricate details.

Step 4

Complete the illustration by outlining all the lines with the bold black marker, giving our turtle a polished finish.

Method 2: Green, Brown, & Tan Color Turtle

Want to know how to draw this turtle? Follow our easy steps here!

Let’s color a cute turtle using just three colors: green, brown, and tan. It’s an easy and fun way to bring some life to our sketch.

Follow along as we add color to different parts of the turtle, creating a simple yet charming illustration. Let’s get started!

Step 1

Color the turtle’s flippers, tail and head green, leaving the eyes white.

Step 2

Outline the shell with brown, filling in the inner circle too.

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Step 3

Finish by adding tan to the rest of the shell.

Method 3: Green, Brown, Black, Dark Brown & Tan Color Turtle

Want to know how to draw this turtle? Follow our easy steps here!

Let’s have some coloring fun with a delightful turtle illustration! We’ll use just five colors—brown, green, black, dark brown, and tan—to create a charming masterpiece. Follow these easy steps to bring our turtle to life!

Step 1

Color the turtle’s head, tail, and flippers green, leaving the eyes white.

Step 2

Add tan to the outer part of the shell.

Step 3

Fill the rest of the shell with brown, except for the hexagon at the center.

Step 4

Fill the rest of the shell with brown, except for the hexagon at the center.

Step 5

Use black to outline all the lines for a neat finish.

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.