What Pets Get Along With Turtles? (Cats, Dogs, And?)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

It’s not uncommon for turtle owners to want to house their pets in a community with creatures of other types. Though this is conceivable and is achieved by experts at zoos and wildlife parks, mixed-species turtle ponds or keeping other creatures together are exceedingly difficult to manage and poorly suggested for most enthusiasts.

There are some animals that turtles can live together with and might get along with to some extent, such as cats, dogs, some fishes, snails, and other species of turtles. But it is best not to keep them together as it can induce stress on your turtles or get them attacked.

Sometimes a lot of owners like to have other pets along with turtles and let them interact without any supervision. Even if they do seem to get along with each other it can lead to a number of unwanted situations for both of your pets.

In this article, I will talk about which pets can get along with turtles as well as pets that should not be housed together and what consequences could occur. So keep on reading if you’re interested.

Do Turtles Get Along With Other Turtle Species?

When they are the same size, basking turtles such as painted turtles (Chrysemys picta ssp.), cooters, and sliders, often get along well with red ear sliders.

In point of fact, it is fairly uncommon to see many kinds of animals sunbathing atop each other on stones in their natural habitat.

However, larger red-ear sliders may often eat or harass smaller turtles, and they may occasionally battle with turtles that they just do not get along with.

the characters of the different turtles can have a significant impact. There have been reports of red ear sliders coexisting peacefully alongside musk turtles, although the compatibility of these two species is very variable.

In addition, if musk turtles are maintained, which have quite different requirements for their environment than basking turtles have, then the habitat must be able to accommodate their demands as well by providing a vast area of water that is somewhat shallow.

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Do Turtles Get Along With Dogs?

Turtles and dogs do not often get along very well. It’s possible for dogs and turtles to share a house, but owners need to exercise extreme care.

Big turtles, like snapping turtles, have the potential to strike and injure small dogs, whereas the large fangs and jaws of dogs have the ability to easily break through the shell of a turtle.

It’s not completely out of the question; after all, a good number of people have definitely had turtles while also having dogs as pets

However, achieving a harmonious relationship between the pair is not something that can be taken for granted.

If you wish to ensure the safety of both of the animals, you must keep a careful check on them at all times when they are in close proximity to one another.  Both of these animals are dangerous if they were to be left unattended with one another.

Do Turtles and Cats Get Along?

There are also films of turtles in their territory disturbing cats that may be seen on the internet. The vast majority of the time, cats and turtles may coexist peacefully.

yet, there have been documented instances of cats attacking turtles. The vast majority of the time, house cats will not bother turtles and tortoises.

Cats, on the other hand, are naturally highly inquisitive and might even explore the turtles. There is a possibility that some of the cats may remain next to the turtle’s aquarium and observe it as it swims.

It’s possible that this behavior is just a result of cats’ natural predation tendencies. It is not safe to have cats and turtles coexist in the same area without any kind of barrier.

This is due to the fact that cats may harass and hurt turtles. Cats, in contrast to dogs, are superb climbers and can effortlessly ascend to great heights.

As a result of this, it is not sufficient to maintain the turtle secure from the cat just by placing the turtle in an aquarium or cage that is elevated.

It is imperative that you go the additional mile and make the enclosure cat-proof. Performing this action requires the installation of a tank cover.

Because the cover will restrict some light and heat, you will be required to make adjustments to the amount of light and heat after the cover has been installed.

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Which Fishes Get Along With Turtles?

The most frequent fish tank inhabitants may coexist with the most popular pet turtle include tetras, cichlids, and zebrafish.

Tetra And Zebra Fish

People who haven’t kept fish in a turtle tank should begin with a modest number of tetra or zebrafish.

Prices for both species are low. Additionally, they may be found conveniently almost everywhere; for instance, your neighborhood pet shop could have them.

Captive specimens of these two fish will never exceed two inches in length, but regardless of their small size, their smooth agility, speed, and little intelligence make them a joy to watch.

By introducing these two sample sizes of fish into the tank, you can gauge the turtle’s reaction and the fish’s ability to live in the new environment.


If you find success with any of the aforementioned species, you may then consider introducing other components, like yellow cichlids.

African yellow cichlids are aquarium superstars because of their bright coloration and big potential (about 4 inches). They are beautiful to look at, but more importantly, they are perfect.

The mating season is a very volatile time for cichlids, when they may become extremely territorial and violent.

Therefore, it is recommended that you only add a modest number of yellow cichlids with your turtle in the tank.

Adult cichlid fish are quite aggressive and may quickly turn the tables on your turtle and injure it.

Koi Fish

In theory, they may coexist, albeit doing so may require some effort and expose your prized koi to danger.

Even while turtles and koi possess different nutritional needs, there is a lot of crossover between the two, and none of them has a particularly difficult diet.

It’s possible to sustain two kinds in a single pond with a bit of planning and the right seasonal factors.

However, tiny snapping turtles and other aggressive hunters may attempt to eat your bigger fish, resulting in injury to their fins and tails.

It’s crucial to do your homework and choose a turtle that just eats insects and foliage since certain species, even when well-fed, won’t bother pursuing fish some might have a higher hunting drive.

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Algae eaters

It’s not a problem at all for turtles and algae eaters to coexist. There are, however, conditions connected. Get yourself an algae-eating fish of at least 2 inches in length first.

You should look for an algae eater that is at least as long as your turtle, if not longer. To prevent your turtle from trying to eat the fish, this is essential.

It’s important to know how large your algae eater is likely to become when you purchase it, so be sure to inquire at the shop.

When I first got it, it was only three inches long, but a year later it had grown to eight. I had to upgrade the turtle tank so the fish could swim about comfortably.

Plecos are the greatest and most prevalent algae eaters for a turtle aquarium. They have the ability to devour enormous quantities of algae, which may aid in tank maintenance.

They live in relative safety from turtles because they grow so long. Plecos, even the tiniest ones, can outrun even the largest turtles.

The fact that a Pleco may befriend a turtle is one of its many endearing qualities. A relaxed Pleco may even remove algae from the shell of a turtle.

Besides the gold algae eater, the Chinese algae eater, and the Odessa barb, there are a few alternative options for pets with turtles.

Do Leopard Geckos Get Along With Turtles?

Leopard geckos and turtles may coexist in the same aquarium if the conditions are right for both species. Make sure the turtles can’t escape the tank by blocking any possible entry points.

This is because, in addition to their bulk, they lack the nails on their toes necessary to help them get up if they happen to fall.

Because leopard geckos spend most of their time throughout the day on the tank’s top or bottom, it’s vital to provide at least one inch (two centimeters) of space between the tank’s ground height where your turtle dwells and the leopard gecko’s territory.

Since your leopard gecko probably won’t want his small head poking out from beneath a piece of rock all the time, this suggests you may need to provide him with some more hiding options.

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Do Axolotls Get Along With Turtles?

Axolotls and turtles are not compatible pets. First of all, axolotls like extremely frigid temperatures whereas turtles need them quite warm since they are cold-blooded reptiles.

To add, turtles have been known to be rather violent when provoked. If a turtle were to kill an axolotl, it isn’t the first time anything like that has happened.

Axolotls and turtles should not share a tank under any circumstances. There is little hope for the axolotl’s survival.

Do Snakes And Turtles Get Along?

There can be no peaceful coexistence between snakes and turtles in the same habitat. Each one could pose just as much of a threat as the other.

It’s possible the snake may attempt to devour the turtle, but it will injure itself on the tough shell. A turtle, on the other hand, may mistake the snake’s tail for an apple and attempt to eat it.

Although the apparent threat they pose to one another is the primary reason snakes and turtles cannot coexist.

Several additional factors come into play, such as the fact that their environment, food, and basic nature are all fundamentally different.

Do Snails And Turtles Get Along?

How well turtles and snails get along depends on the kind of turtle and what they eat. You can’t keep snails with mud turtles or musk turtles because they eat snails like candy.

More importantly, pet turtles habituated to a diet rich in animal protein are more inclined to consume the snails. However, as turtles age, their dietary requirements shift.

In light of this, people have the desire to increase their intake of foods derived from plants. Therefore, older turtles are safer for snails.

Snails are great tankmates for turtles because they consume any uneaten food scraps.

As a result, snails contribute to the upkeep of the aquarium. Even more, certain snails, such as apple snails and mystery snails, are known to consume algae.

They may not be able to eliminate the algae completely, but they will assist. While some aquarists advocate housing the two species together, others are divided on the issue.

Some aquarium keepers have even managed to keep snails and turtles in the same tank. However, there have been reports of snails disappearing in as little as a few days.

The following tips may help ensure the longevity of your snail population if you want to maintain turtles and snails jointly.

  • When the turtles have matured, you may add snails to their aquarium.
  • Put enough plants, pebbles, and other ornaments to the tank so the snails have somewhere to hide.
  • Snails of substantial size have a better chance of surviving if kept in enclosures alongside turtles.

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Do Hermit Crabs and Turtles Get Along?

The personality of hermit crabs and turtles are quite similar, and they have many other things in common. They each carry their homes and weapons in protective shells on their backs.

The conditions that both hermit crabs and turtles need to live in are quite similar. It’s reasonable to think they could get along in an aquarium based on those details.

However, turtles get considerably larger than hermit crabs, thus the hermit crabs in the tank would be at risk of being wounded or harmed by the turtles.

It’s also important to note that hermit crabs and turtles have quite distinct requirements. Due to their peculiarities, hermit crabs and turtles generally shouldn’t share a tank.

Being a prey item for sea turtles, the hermit crab might be eaten by an overly hungry turtle.


You can maximize your success in housing numerous species in a single tank by doing the following:

Giving each species plenty of room, giving them plenty of places to hide and visible obstacles, and giving them a healthy diet.

When housing many animals of any kind together, it is imperative that a sufficiently big environment be provided.

So finally, there are pets that can be kept together with turtles such as dogs and cats but they most likely do not get along so it’s best to not keep them in the vicinity of each other.

However, there are some fishes, other species of turtles, snails, and geckos that can live together with turtles. But if you remember the fundamentals, you should be OK.

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.