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How Much Does It Cost To Track A Sea Turtle?

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

Have you recently heard about bracelet trackers that track sea turtles? Confused about whether they really track sea turtles and how much they cost? Fret not, we can help.

Sea Turtles Tracking Bracelets usually cost around $16-$18 excluding shipping costs. After purchasing a sea turtle tracking bracelet, you get provided with your sea turtle’s name, size, and picture. You will also be given access to a website to access your sea turtle’s location via GPS tracking.

We’ve only provided you with a short intro to the article. If you would like to learn more continue reading on.

Track A Real Sea Turtle With Each Bracelet!

Learn Name

You get to learn your sea turtle’s name, size, age. Also a picture!

Enjoy Stories

Enjoy the story of your sea turtle, where it came from, where is it going?

Follow Me

You get to follow the sea turtle’s journey on an interactive tracking map!

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Detailed Comparison Sea Turtle Tracking Bracelets

Here we have created a detailed comparison table on the sea turtle tracking bracelets. Among these brands, Fahlo is associated with the Sea Turtle Conservancy. It is a non-profit working on marine research and conservation.

BrandEco-FriendlyReal-Time UpdatesCost
BrandEco-FriendlyReal-Time UpdatesCost
Ocean & CompanyYesYes$16.95
Turtle CentralYesYes$16.95
Florida Sea Turtle CompanyYesYes$16.00
Ocean Project.coN/ANo$16.95
endangered turtle species grouped by their IUCN status

Sea Turtle Bracelet Trackers and How They Work?

After purchasing a sea turtle bracelet, you obtain the name and image of a sea turtle. You will also be given access to a site to track your sea turtle. These sea turtles are tracked via satellites and transmitters placed on them during mating season.

Unfortunately, a number of scams have set up pseudo-organizations to dupe people into buying their sea turtle bracelets. These are equipped with fake information of non-existent sea turtles. But luckily there are a few like Fahlo formerly Wildlife Collections that sell proper tracking bracelets that can make a difference.

By purchasing one of the bracelets, you will be provided with the name, size, and picture of a sea turtle. You will be able to track the sea turtle through an interactive map. The information relayed there has been directly collected from the Sea Turtle Conservancy.

Here’s a list of tracked sea turtles that are still active!

Trying to get a handle on FAQ + Turtle Owners? This page has all you need to know. 7 Everyday Beach Activities That Are Secretly Harming Sea Turtles

How The Sea Turtle Tracking Takes Place?

During the nesting season, sea turtles flock to coastal coastlines to lay their eggs. The breeding season is normally from March through October. This is an excellent chance to install a Platform Terminal Transmitter. This is referred to as “Satellite Tracking” or “Satellite Telemetry.”

The equipment is often fastened to a sea turtle’s shell with dentistry cement. It’s then encased in epoxy resin to prevent it from coming loose. These satellite trackers do not damage turtles and are meant to fall off over time.

The Platform Terminal Transmitter, or PTT for short, continues to gather all required data. When the turtle resurfaces for air, it automatically sends updates via the Argos tracking network.

In this sense, Argos satellite tags have proven to be a very valuable data relay platform. The tag can now be remotely sent together with the other sorts of data collected. Dive profiles and water temps are also included on these tags.

Want to know more details? Check the article from Sea Turtle Conservancy on how Sea Turtle Tracking works!

Typically researchers follow 5 methods to track sea turtles. Here’s a short explanation of each of them:

Satellite Telemetry:

This is the most common method used to track long-distance migrations of sea turtles. A satellite transmitter is attached to the turtle’s carapace (shell). As the turtle surfaces to breathe, the transmitter sends signals to satellites, which then relay the turtle’s location to researchers. This method provides real-time data and can track turtles for months to years, depending on the battery life of the transmitter and how securely it remains attached.

Acoustic Telemetry:

This method involves attaching an acoustic transmitter to the turtle. The transmitter emits unique pings that are detected by underwater receivers (or hydrophones) when the turtle swims near them. This method is useful for tracking turtles in specific areas, such as feeding grounds or nesting beaches.

Trying to get a handle on FAQ + Turtle Owners? This page has all you need to know. Unlock the Secret Language of Sea Turtles You Never Knew Existed

Flipper Tags:

These are small, durable tags attached to the turtle’s flippers. While they don’t provide real-time tracking data, they are useful for identifying individual turtles when they are encountered again. For example, if a turtle is tagged on a nesting beach and then later found on a feeding ground, researchers can use the tag to identify the turtle and learn about its migration.

fahlo sea turtle tracking bracelet

PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) Tags:

These are small microchips that are injected into the turtle’s body. They can be read with a scanner when the turtle is encountered again. Like flipper tags, they don’t provide real-time data but are useful for identifying individual turtles.

Photo Identification:

Some researchers use natural markings and scars on turtles to identify and track them. For example, the unique scale patterns on a turtle’s face can be used to identify individuals. This method doesn’t require any tagging but relies on repeated sightings and photographs of the same individual.

Sea turtle tracking has revealed that some sea turtles can travel thousands of miles during their migrations. For example, loggerhead sea turtles have been tracked traveling over 7,500 miles from their nesting beaches in Japan to their feeding grounds in Mexico.

Fahlo Sea Turtle Tracking Bracelet: How It Works?

sea turtle tracking bracelet infographic

Want to get a printable version of this infographic? Click here! [If you want to use this infographic on your website, please link back to this post as the source!]

Why You Might Want To Track A Sea Turtle?

Thousands of satellite emitters are in use now all over the globe. Including everything oceanic to natural dangers to water resources and polar currents are monitored using them. Fishing vessels, shipping lines, offshore oil, and wildlife are all tracked by these systems.

Many of the fundamental concerns about the biology and conservation of sea turtles have been addressed and reviewed, and satellite monitoring is a perfect instrument for answering them.

Females can be found easily on the shore throughout a nesting period.

Therefore, a majority of sea turtle tracking and ecological studies have concentrated on females. Male sea turtles, on the other hand, have been underdiagnosed, and little is known about their evolutionary psychology.

Male sea turtle population size, regional ecology, and dangers could all benefit from a better knowledge of male mobility patterns and spatial use.

Got questions about FAQ + Turtle Owners? This post has the basics, turtle-style. The New Menace Threatening Sea Turtles That You Need to Know About

Should You Adopt A Sea Turtle And Track It?

Adopting a sea turtle helps to fund studies on the endangered species’ survival and monitoring. By giving cash for treatment, tank upkeep, feeding, and veterinary care, your sea turtle adoption directly helps this endeavor.

Sea turtles and their nests are subjected to many dangers from nature, resulting in major issues. Regrettably, just one out of every 5,000 fledglings grow up. Human activities are also threatening their survival today.

Development, beach lights, sea walls, jetties, erosion control devices, and nocturnal beach activities all endanger sea turtles’ existence.

Therefore, by adopting a sea turtle through a non-profit or buying tracking bracelets can make a small impact.

According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy, over 1,000 sea turtles have been tracked using satellite telemetry technology since the 1980s.

map of tracked sea turtles

Can you track sea turtles?

Sea turtles can be tracked using satellite telemetry technology, which allows researchers to monitor their movements in the open ocean.

Several organizations, such as the Sea Turtle Conservancy and Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, have been using this technology to track sea turtles for research and conservation purposes.

However, it is not possible for individuals to track sea turtles themselves without the necessary equipment and expertise.

What is the tracking device for sea turtles?

The tracking device used for sea turtles is called a Platform Terminal Transmitter (PTT). It is attached to the back of a sea turtle and allows researchers to track its movements in the open ocean using satellite telemetry technology.

Dental putty is used as a base to attach the transmitter to the turtle’s shell, and it is encased using epoxy adhesive. In addition to PTTs, researchers also use other tracking devices such as popoff satellite tags and ARGOS tags to study the movements and behavior of sea turtles.

Are sea turtle tracking bracelets real?

Yes, sea turtle tracking bracelets are real, and Fahlo is a legitimate nonprofit company that provides bracelets to help monitor sea turtles and other wildlife species. The bracelets are not used to directly track the sea turtles but instead serve as a symbol of support for sea turtle conservation efforts.

Fahlo works in collaboration with charitable groups, including the Sea Turtle Conservancy, and donates 10% of net profits from every turtle bracelet sold to support sea turtle conservation programs.

Their bracelets are unique as they come with a genuine sea turtle that the wearer can keep track of using the Fahlo app.

The company has received positive reviews from customers who have appreciated the quality of the bracelets and the opportunity to support a good cause.

One of the longest recorded sea turtle migrations was that of a green sea turtle named Yoshi, who was tracked traveling over 37,000 miles in the Pacific Ocean over a period of 13 years.

fahlo sea turtle bracelet collection

Want to learn about FAQ + Turtle Owners without the extra fluff? We keep it straightforward. How Embracing Sea Turtle Habits Can Transform Your Daily Routine

Is there an app for tracking turtles?

Yes, there are apps and websites that allow the public to follow the movements of sea turtles that have been tagged and are being tracked by researchers. These platforms provide a way for the public to engage with and learn about sea turtle conservation efforts.

Here are a few:

OCEARCH Shark Tracker: While OCEARCH is best known for tracking sharks, they also track other marine animals, including sea turtles. Their app and website allow users to see the movements of individual tagged animals in near real-time.

Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Tracker: The Sea Turtle Conservancy has a “Track a Turtle” program on their website where you can follow the migrations of individual sea turtles that they’ve tagged.

Turtle Tracker App: This app, associated with the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center, allows users to track the movements of tagged sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico.

Local Conservation Programs: In areas where sea turtles are prevalent, local conservation organizations might have their own tracking programs and platforms. It’s always a good idea to check with local sea turtle conservation groups if you’re interested in tracking turtles in a specific region.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does a turtle tracker last?

The cells in these receivers should last 8-10 months in theory. However, signals frequently stop working before that time. Underwater, the trackers are vulnerable to injury as well as assaults from larger fish.

Q. How are sea turtles tagged?

The PIT tag (Passive Integrated Transponder tag) or microchip, which is commonly used in pets, is the most frequent tag. This is a permanent tag that is inserted into the flipper muscle with a needle. Although there is no external evidence that the turtle has been tagged, the tag is utilized to identify the animal.

Q. Why are sea turtles important to nature?

For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have played an important role in protecting the health of the world’s seas. These responsibilities include everything from preserving healthy coral reef ecosystems to transferring vital nutrients from the ocean to beaches and coastal dunes.

Got questions about Rescue + Turtle Owners? This post has the basics, turtle-style. Why Sea Turtle Tracking Is Key to Their Survival?

Final Words

This is everything we’ve had to say regarding how much does it cost to track a sea turtle. Everything necessary has already been covered in-depth and systematic manner. With the existence of sea turtles at continuous stake, we welcome your interest in their tracking and conservation.

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.