How Many Eggs Does A Turtle Lay?
fact checked & review by
Dr. Partho Kumar Shaha
Veterinarian (DVM)
The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.
Keeping a turtle as a pet or seeing one in its natural habitat, such as a pond or stream, maybe a lot of pleasure. One of the questions that are asked the most often is “how many eggs do they lay?” It all comes down to the kind of turtle they are.
The average number of eggs laid by a female turtle varies by species. Such as Red-eared slider turtles lay 10-30 eggs, Box turtles lay 3-9 eggs, Snapping turtles lay 20-40 eggs, Mud turtles lay 2-5 eggs, Green sea turtles lay 100-120 eggs, Flatback turtles lay 50-60 eggs and Leatherbacks lay 100-120 eggs.
The amount of eggs that a female turtle will lay varies dramatically depending on the species that she is. As you can see, sea turtles will deposit a much greater number of eggs than aquatic turtles, but why is this the case?
There are several factors at play here, and most of them are directly related to the need to survive. So in the next section, we will head for a more in-depth look at the causes and variables that prompted turtles to lay such a different number of eggs throughout their lifetimes.
Why Do Different Turtles Lay A Diverse Number Of Eggs?
1. Physical Causes
Every successful species that reproduces by laying eggs has compromised between egg size and egg production at some time. This is because a female’s uterus can only hold so many eggs at once.
The shell of a turtle egg serves as both a protective covering and a source of nourishment for the developing embryo within. If the egg is too tiny, the developing embryo won’t get the nourishment it needs.
To get them through their first few weeks of life without having to forage for food, hatchling turtles have a little yolk sack connected to their shell that contains nutrition from the egg.
So, the turtles will require additional nourishment to endure the first weeks after hatching, even if the egg contains enough for development.
But, if the eggs are very large, it serves no purpose other than to be wasteful. Even if the eggs won’t be an issue for hatching and the turtles will live long enough to find food on their own, keeping them around is a waste of space.
The ideal egg size for each given species is thought to exist, but it would require an extended period for any given species to evolve to that point.
It takes numerous generations of fluctuating egg production to find the sweet spot. Yet, many extraneous influences will affect this equilibrium.
Because of the impact that people have on every ecosystem, it seems unlikely that a state of perfect equilibrium can be reached anytime soon. Humans have both positive and negative effects on the ecosystem in which they live
We have helped plants recover after natural catastrophes, reduced the numbers of dangerous animals and insects, and done much more in many places.
These factors, positive though they may be, may nonetheless change the balance. The size of the species of turtle also has a significant effect biologically.
For all, a little red-eared slider turtle can’t be expected to have the same capacity as a massive leatherback turtle, which can lay hundreds of eggs.
This sums up the majority of the internal elements at play when determining a turtle’s egg production, now we’ll discuss the exterior factors that play a significant influence.
2. External Influences
As situations are more difficult, every living species—including us—will produce more progeny. It’s only natural to react this way when you realize there aren’t many solutions to the problem.
Hence, the reasoning follows that if they have more children, at least a few of those will get the opportunity to live. This is completely rational reasoning since the more options you have, the greater your chances of success.
It is completely common for sea turtles to produce hundreds of eggs annually due to the harsher environmental circumstances they must face, but aquatic turtles like box turtles, mud turtles, and red-eared sliders usually deposit around 20 to 30 eggs per year.
A female turtle must produce one boy and one girl throughout her lifespan for there to be a consistent population. While it may not seem like much, the majority of sea turtle populations are declining.
The loggerhead sea turtle produces around 500 eggs annually, but the box turtle only produces 3 to 9 eggs. Both of their species are stable, neither growing nor decreasing.
Box turtles would overcrowd their environments if they laid more eggs, while loggerhead turtles’ numbers would start to decline till they became extinct if fewer eggs were laid.
The size and quantity of eggs laid by most turtle species are generally well-balanced.m the real issue is environmental conditions. Let’s now examine some of these aspects more closely.
3. Wild Predators
The initial few weeks of a turtle’s existence are when it is most defenseless against its many predators. Predators eat so many newborn turtles that only a small percentage survive to maturity.
Turtles don’t need to lay a lot of eggs since most aquatic species inhabit secure environments where their offspring have a good chance of surviving.
Yet, as soon as baby sea turtles emerge from their nests, they become targets of predators. Birds often congregate around nests, waiting for the youngsters to hatch.
Whilst still within their eggs, turtles are quite defenseless. Raw eggs are a popular food source for many animals, and turtles are no different.
Turtles often try to hide their eggs from potential predators by burying them, but predators are smart enough to know where to search.
This is a particularly precarious time for turtles because most turtle species abandon their nests before the eggs hatch.
4. Environmental Factors
The amount of eggs a turtle lays is an excellent indicator of how secure the environment is for the species.
The greater the number of eggs they must lay, the riskier the environment. If they are laying fewer eggs, it is a sign that they feel comfortable in the region.
This is because if the environment is healthy, the young have a better chance of surviving to maturity, which means that there is less of a need for a large number of eggs to be laid.
Nevertheless, if the environment is unfavorable, the female turtles are obligated to deposit as many eggs as they possibly can to ensure that at least some of the young will make it to maturity.
5. Alteration Of The Climate
In the case of turtles, the gender of the offspring is decided by the environment in which the eggs were incubated.
If the temperature is lower, there will be a greater number of male turtles. On the other hand, if the temperature is higher, there will be a greater number of female turtles.
Because of the increasing temperatures, there are now more female turtles being born than there are male turtles.
The majority of turtles need to increase the number of eggs they lay to combat this issue and increase their chances of producing more male offspring so they may continue to breed.
How Many Eggs Does Sea Turtle Lay, And How Many Of Them Survive?
Sea turtles may grow to be as long as five feet in length and will often deposit around one hundred eggs in the hot sand. These eggs will need to be incubated for approximately two months.
The turtles hatch all at once to overwhelm any potential predators, which may include wild dogs, foxes, raccoons, and other animals.
These occurrences are referred to as “turtle boils” because the motion of the turtles is similar to that of boiling water, and it serves to boost the chance of survival.
Regrettably, many professionals are of the opinion that only one out of every thousand sea turtles will make it to adulthood.
This is a contributing factor to the low population of sea turtles in the seas off the coast of the United States.
How Long Does It Take For Turtle Eggs To Hatch After Being Laid?
The time it takes for eggs to hatch ranges from 60 to 90 days, however, this number is dependent on the species.
Why Do Turtles Abandon Their Eggs When They Hatch?
This is the case with the vast majority of reptiles, turtles do not have a mother instinct. as a consequence, after they have finished laying their eggs, they abandon them.
What Is The Texture Of Turtle Egg?
There are several kinds of turtles, each of which lays a distinct kind of egg. The majority of these eggs have a tough shell, but a few of those have a surface similar to leather.
How Many Times Do Turtles Typically Lay Their Eggs?
While most turtles only lay eggs once a year, certain varieties may produce two batches of eggs in a single year.
There are many species of turtles native to the United States, one of which is the Keeled Box Turtle, can reproduce more than once in a single year.
Before You Go
The majority of turtle species produce between four and six eggs in each clutch, which they deposit once or twice yearly in a secretive area such as behind a log or some other kind of debris.
Yet, because of the lengthy incubation times required for numerous eggs, these delicate eggs are subject to many threats, including predators and weather, which may weaken the shell’s protective properties and hence limit the projected number of offspring.
Therefore if you want to learn how to take care of your softshell turtle’s eggs you can check out Softshell Turtle Egg Care Guide For Beginners
About Author
Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.