Can You Let A Turtle Walk Around Your House?

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

In order to grow, turtles, like most pets, need enough playtime and mental stimulation. Many turtle owners promote the positive aspects of a free-range lifestyle on the Internet. The question is whether or not an unrestricted turtle is the best option.

Allowing your turtle to walk around the home is not a good idea. Both you and your pet are in danger from this in several ways. Your turtle can get plenty of fresh air and exercise in other, safer methods.

In this article, we’ll discuss the many reasons why it’s not a good idea to let your turtle walk free inside your house. We’ll also talk about several forms of mental activity you may provide your turtle to keep it happy.

Is Walking Around The House Dangerous For Your Turtle?

There is a lengthy list of potential dangers to your turtle if you let it free-reign from the house. To begin, your turtle may wander off. Wild turtles are often eaten by other creatures. 

This implies, for one thing, that they are driven to look for safe hideaways far from danger. Putting your turtle in the open, especially if it’s in an unknown area, may be quite stressful for them.

Turtles may be seen in the wild digging holes in the sand, hiding behind rocks, and becoming completely submerged when threatened. 

When indoors, your turtle will do the same thing to find a safe refuge. They search for shadowy areas and hide behind the first available piece of furniture. It might be challenging to spot your turtle if it learns to mask well.

Second, if you allow your turtle to move freely about the house, it is more likely to get an injury. Turtles, as was aforementioned, are masters of stealth and camouflage. 

They are at risk of being accidentally trodden on or kicked by their humans or of taking a fatal fall down a staircase.

Also, turtles are not the best choice for those who already have other pets at home. Dogs should not come into contact with turtles due to the high incidence of dog bites among these reptiles.

The same may be said of turtles. They will consume anything that they can eat. There are many internet discussion boards of turtles ingesting things like cables, pebbles, carpets, dog food, nail paint, rat poison, and nail polish.

After being consumed, synthetic material cannot be broken down by a turtle, and the presence of this substance in the digestive tract will almost certainly result in an obstruction.

Last but not least, your turtle probably won’t survive on the ground of your house. Keeping a turtle at the right temperature is difficult since they are cold-blooded. 

Most people keep their houses at about 70–75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the winter. Although this may seem fine, the floor is always colder than the rest of the house, even if the house is properly insulated. That’s not ideal for a turtle, which has a low body temperature.

In addition, the windows of a normal house prevent UVB radiation from entering the room. If your turtle is out and about for a significant chunk of the day, she won’t get the sun she needs to bask. In order to be healthy, turtles need daily exposure to UVB sunshine for 10-12 hours.

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Why Is Letting Your Turtle Walk Around The House Unsafe For You?

Many turtles have Salmonella germs, which may be transferred to people and is the greatest health concern for turtle owners. 

In point of fact, in 1975 the United States implemented a restriction on the sale of tiny turtles (defined as those with shells measuring below 4 inches long) to reduce the risk of Salmonella contamination.

In addition, in January 2020, a Salmonella infestation was traced back to people who had kept turtles as pets. Twenty-six persons were infected and eight of them required hospitalization. 

Your turtle can shed the germs that have settled on its shell and skin if you give it a free walk around in the home. 

The salmonella germs may then inadvertently spread to you, your kids, or other animals by remaining on solid surfaces in your house for as long as 4 hours. Salmonella may be carried by even a seemingly healthy turtle.

Salmonella is not harmful to your turtle, but it may cause serious illness in humans. The risk of severe infections is higher for infants, young kids, the aged, and persons with weakened immunity.

Salmonella infections may cause stomach discomfort, fever, and headaches among other symptoms.

Always use soap and water to clean your hands after touching your turtle or anything they may have touched. 

Contact your doctor promptly if you have any of the aforementioned signs after coming into contact with your pet turtle or any of its belongings (including its habitat, toys, and meals).

Can You Take Your Turtle For A Walk?

It’s not uncommon for owners to take their turtle pets for a stroll.

To put this another way, you may buy harnesses and leashes designed just for them, complete with unique attachments. Because these animals move so slowly, this is quite fascinating.

Whether you want to buy a harness for your turtle or not, there are certain methods by which you should walk it.

They usually just start to see how far they can go. Your turtle will most likely wander off to some nearby bushes in search of prey. 

Walking your turtle will not provide you with any personal workout. As they move so slowly and avoid being in the open, they are simple to overlook. They prefer to hide out in the bushes and beneath rocks to observe their environment.

Thus, when you take your turtle on a stroll, you’re doing it for both of you. You won’t have to do much strolling yourself.

Yet, you need to be there with them and watchful for any alterations in the surroundings that might pose a threat.

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Can I Let My Turtle Outside?

Your turtle may go outdoors if you like. It goes without saying that there is a higher probability of harm in an open area than in a confined one. As a result, you need to be proactive, and watchful, and take every step you can to ensure the safety of your turtle.

Many pet owners want their animals to feel the earth under their claws. And turtles are much like us in that they want to go out and about and see what they can find.

Your presence, supervision, and close monitoring of your turtle are crucial. The outdoors is a great place to take them!

While turtles move at a glacial pace, they are not without determination. You may not be able to find them for weeks if you release them out in a big backyard.

Owners of turtles as pets have suggested enclosing their turtles in a wire kennel used for dogs when they’re outside.

While using a wire pen, keep in mind that the turtle may easily put its head beneath the barrier and charge ahead.

This is how some turtles may shift the pen or squeeze beneath the cage to freedom. To prevent your pet from escaping, you may secure the enclosure with pegs.

The liberty to roam about in a confined yard is perfect for a turtle. A walled garden may confine the area, making it less likely that they will wander out.

A turtle may escape via cracks in the wall or by going beneath the doors. Animals aren’t exactly known for their caution, so they may get caught underneath the door or in the cracks between the walls.

Make sure there aren’t any other animals around. Several dogs, cats, and raptors still attempt to catch turtles in the open for prey despite their tough shells.

If you let your turtle interact with other animals, it may be at risk of contracting salmonella from your turtle. Kept as pets canines and felines are susceptible to this bacterium since they are mammals.

Even though your dog or cat may just have diarrhea, they still contain the bacterium and may spread it to you as well as other people.

A few other warning signs to keep an eye out for include building noises, elevated areas, vegetation that has been treated with herbicides (like Roundup), and holes/gaps in the sidewalk.

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How To Provide Your Turtle With An Exciting Environment?

Creating an environment for your turtle that is as near as possible to her habitat is a great first step. A common problem, however, is that turtles in captivity do not get nearly sufficient enrichment.

Your reptile companion is much like a dog or cat in that it needs frequent playtime. They not only benefit from the recreation, but a shortage of it may lead to destructive behaviors including self-injury, loss of appetite, and premature death.

The right substrate might be a simple method to give your pet turtle some cognitive stimulation. Substrate-less aquariums are simpler to take care of, but they aren’t ideal for your turtle.

Large rocks and gravel may prevent ingesting and are hence a good choice. You may also include aquarium jewels, imitation plants, and actual plants safe for turtles in the water.

Water turtles may also benefit greatly from floating planks. They provide them something that seems like it came from the wild to climb on, and if they’re sufficiently large, they may be excellent places to hide.

The terrarium of a terrestrial turtle might benefit from the addition of actual branches. Ensure that they are securely fastened so that they won’t topple over and hurt your pet. 

You may decorate it with fake or real plants and pebbles that are big and smooth enough to climb.

You may also improve your turtle’s habitat in a handful of additional ways. Feeder fish and live insects (such as mealworms and crickets) are options. 

Another option is to get your pet turtle some toys that are safe for turtles to play with. Floating turtle snacks and treat balls are only two of the many choices available.

Before You Go

Although it isn’t the safest thing in the world to let your pet turtle have a free run of the house, there are a lot of different things you can do to keep your pet active, get it some exercise, and keep it amused. 

If you want a content turtle, provide a home for her that is both spacious and interesting. You can also check out- Outdoor Turtle Pond Setup Guide: Material List + Maintenance

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.