Outdoor turtle pond setup guide infographic

Outdoor turtle pond setup guide infographic

outdoor turtle pond setup guide infographic

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Material List:

  • A plastic pond liner
  • Sand to line the hole
  • Bottom of the pond liner
  • Large river rocks for backing
  • A cave for resting or hiding
  • Stones/gravels
  • Vegetation
  • Hose/bucket for water
  • A dustpan

Building the Turtle Pond in 10 Easy Steps:

  1. Mark and clean the location of the turtle pond enclosure.
  2. Dig the land for the fence.
  3. Install the pond liner (rigid and rubber liner).
  4. Add sand or river rocks to the bottom of the pond.
  5. Fill up the pond with water.
  6. Install a water filter.
  7. Add some rocks and logs.
  8. Place some plants.
  9. Complete building the fence.
  10. Cover the turtle enclosures.

Materials and Tools for Building the Fence:

  • 8 ft long treated landscaping wood planks
  • 8 ft long 2-by-4 inches treated wood planks to build the fence
  • 4 treated wood posts 2 to 3 ft long and 2-by-2 inches
  • Net cover
  • Box of nails/screws
  • Hammer
  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Tape for measurements
  • A level

Things to Consider Before Building the Pond:

The Climate and Turtle Species:

  • If you have turtle species such as map turtles, mud turtles, you can keep them in an outdoor pond even in winter. When the temperature goes under 50 degrees F, the turtles will hibernate at the bottom of the pond. So, a part of the pond should be at least 3 feet deep to let your turtles hibernate.

How Deep Should the Turtle Pond Be?

  • Outdoor turtle ponds should be large and deep for multiple turtles. A large pond surface and live aquatic plants allow sufficient oxygenation for your turtles. However, it depends on how much space you have in your yard.

Suitable Location of the Pond:

  • Ensure enough sunlight for basking.
  • Have a shaded place for retreat.
  • It can be in a corner of the house or beside a shading wall.

How Do You Build a Turtle Pond Above Ground?

  • Use a large size plastic 150-gallon or 300-gallon turtle tub.
  • Two 4 x 4 ft treated wood pallet boards to support and elevate the pond from the ground.
  • Some 8 ft and 4 ft long wood planks of the same thickness and width to create a frame around the tub.

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.