Horsefield Tortoise Care Guide Infographic

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This infographic serves as a detailed care guide for Horsefield Tortoises. It is divided into several sections covering diet, hibernation, health problems, habitat size, and heating requirements.

Horsefield Tortoise Diet: It lists safe and nutritious items for Horsefield tortoises to eat, including a variety of plants, vegetables, and fruits.

Hibernation Care: The guide outlines an 8-step process for hibernation care:

  1. Hibernation is for adult tortoises only.
  2. Preparation for hibernation should begin 6–8 months in advance.
  3. Feed the tortoise a balanced diet and track its weight.
  4. Take the tortoise to a vet monthly for check-ups.
  5. Gradually reduce food portions as winter approaches and starve the pet 4 weeks before hibernation.
  6. Ensure security measures to protect the tortoise from predators.
  7. When winter ends, gradually increase the temperature to wake the tortoise and give it daily soaks.
  8. After hibernation, take the tortoise for a health checkup with a vet.

Potential Horsefield Tortoise Health Problems: The infographic lists common health issues that Horsefield tortoises may face:

  1. Hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency)
  2. Mouth Rot
  3. Herpes Virus
  4. Parasitic Attack
  5. Shell Diseases
  6. Respiratory Illness

Horsefield Tortoise Habitat Size: Recommended enclosure sizes are given for both adult and young Horsefield tortoises, with details for a vivarium and a tortoise table.

Horsefield Tortoise Care Guide: Key care requirements include:

  • Enclosure size: 4 ft x 8 ft for adults.
  • Habitat equipment: Heating light, UV lamp, substrate, rock, plants, etc.
  • Temperature requirement: 90°F – 95°F for basking.
  • Food: Herbivorous diet consisting of grass, plant leaves, leafy salad, vegetables, fruits, and supplements.
  • Behavior: Docile.

Heating Sources: It specifies the basking temperature, daytime temperature, and nighttime temperature for the tortoise’s habitat:

  • Basking Temperature: 90 – 95°F
  • Daytime Temperature: Above 80°F
  • Nighttime Temperature: 70 – 75°F

The source of this information is listed as

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.