Guide To Feeding A Tortoise Infographic

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This infographic serves as a comprehensive guide to feeding a tortoise. It covers various aspects of their diet and factors that can affect their feeding behavior.

What To Feed: The infographic lists suitable food categories for tortoises:

  • Plants
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Supplements
  • Grasses

Toxic Tortoise Foods: A list of foods that are toxic to tortoises is provided, advising what should not be fed to them. It includes various plants, vegetables, fruits, and other items that could be harmful.

Do not Overfeed A Tortoise: It warns against overfeeding, which can lead to health issues such as:

  • Obesity
  • Kidney damage
  • Organ failure
  • Liver failure
  • Premature sexuality
  • Abnormal growth
  • Unhealthy shedding
  • Pyramiding
  • Lethargy, etc.

Safe Plant Options for Tortoises Are: A comprehensive list of safe plants is provided for tortoise consumption.

Safe Vegetable Options for Tortoises: A list of vegetables is given that are safe for tortoises to eat.

Fruits: A variety of fruits that are safe for tortoises are listed.

Grasses: Types of grass that tortoises can eat are also listed.

Tortoise Not Eating, Why? Several reasons are given for why a tortoise might not be eating:

  1. Feeling sick
  2. A drop in temperature
  3. Stress
  4. Boring meals

Do Tortoises Need Feeding Everyday? The infographic addresses the frequency of feeding:

  • Baby tortoises need to eat every day.
  • For the first year, it’s suggested to switch to a 5-day meal routine when they grow up.
  • Tortoises have a slow metabolism and take longer to digest food, so starving days of one or two is always suggested.

The source of this information is credited to

About Author

Muntaseer Rahman started keeping pet turtles back in 2013. He also owns the largest Turtle & Tortoise Facebook community in Bangladesh. These days he is mostly active on Facebook.